daging kambing

semalam adalah hari dimana aku first time berbuka dengan daging yang dahulunye xpenah aku pandang langsung.hehe iaitu daging kambing
tahniah lah kepada encik Mubin di atas kejayaan menganjurkan majlis berbuka puasa dengan staf n ex UKM..gambar xdpt amik sebab bateri xcharge lagi,,kalu xley tunjuk gambar kambing tu..
tapi lauk nyer lebih kurang yg cm dalam gambor ni lah..sangat sedap..kadang2x makan pon aku tak tau yg aku makan tu lemak ke daging..mmg kambing ni xsesuai sangat untuk orang yang ade hypertension , n cardiac problems


salam wat iman kita....pagi tadi aku bukak berita harian nak tgok mane2x berita yang menarik..berbanding ngn utusan,bharian agak ok lah,tp ade gak yg xok..tp ape yg aku nak cite adalah kisah seorang wanita melaysia ni yg terkandas lama di korea gara2x mengikut suami yg juga rakyat korea yg pada asalnya bekerja di malaysia atau di tanah melayu. tapi apa yang memeranjatkan adalah kematian dan wasiat yg di buat oleh wanita atau nenek ni... benarlah iman itu tidak dapat diwarisi,apa yang disedihkan adalah akidah nenek ni.emmm..

"Anak kecewa ibu wasiat dikebumi cara Kristian

KOTA TINGGI: "Saya terkilan mak buat wasiat hendak dikebumikan secara Kristian kerana kami langsung tidak tahu menahu mengenai wasiat itu," kata Jelani Sonni selepas mendapat tahu ibunya, Mariam Johari, 88, rakyat Malaysia yang terkandas di Korea Selatan sejak 64 tahun lalu, meninggal dunia, malam kelmarin. "

KD tunku abdulrahman

salam.hehehe berita gembira wat penghuni perairan negara,,,kehadiran kapal selam pertama malaysia beberapa jam yg lalu cukup begitu membanggakan..yelah dah sekian lama menunggu sekrg tiba kapal selam tersebut sebagai menyambung legasi pertahanan perairan negara..untuk pengetahuan anda ni kapal selam konvensional yer,,10 kali terkebelakang dari kapal selam terkini yg ade di dunia ,hehhehhe


yaAllah ampun kan lah,redhakanlah daku,walau di mana bumi yg ku tunduk sujud pada Mu ya ALLAH

Muslim di mana mana

muslim ada di mana-mana...ramai yg tidak mengenali beberapa nama muslim di arena bolasepak antarabangsa.muslim ini gah bermain bersama pemain non muslim yg lain n tidak pernah sekali mereka menyembunyikan identiti mereka....ayuh jika mereka boleh kenapa tidak kita??

Ghana midfielder Sulley Muntari brushed aside concerns over his energy levels during Ramadan as he excelled when Inter tore city rivals AC Milan apart to move to the top of Serie A after a thumping 4-0 win on Saturday night.

Muntari stuck to his religious dictates by continuing with his
Ramadan fast even in the face of the rumpus it has caused.

Coach Jose Mourinho had hinted that the Ghanaian could be excluded from his squad after the enforcer was substituted after just 30 minutes of last week’s league game against Bari.

The Portuguese manager said he substituted the midfielder last week because he lost energy as he was fasting while playing.

The midfielder was thus left on the bench with new boy Wesley Sneider taking his place in the starting line-up.

But when he came on, for Thiago Motta on the hour mark with his side leading 3-0, Muntari promptly showed that the
fasting had no effect on his energy levels.


hari ni stat penggunaan gred minyka pembakar iaitu RON 92 dan RON 95
berikut adalah info nyer

The Difference between RON92, RON95, RON97 and RON99 Many said that RON92 oil is the > older oil, only suitable for older cars or for cars that uses carburetor only. There are also some that said that RON92 oil will make the engine dirty and also said that RON92 oil is less powerful compared to RON97 and RON99.

Before you make any false assumptions, let us see what the real meaning of RON is. RON stands for Research Octane Number. Octane number or octane rating refers to the gasoline ability to withstand auto ignition (knocking) inside the engine. Higher octane number refers to higher ability of the oil to fight auto ignition. In other words, it means that RON95 is harder to ignite compared to RON92.

Different vehicles are designed to be use with different octane number of oil. Higher octane number oil is basically designed for high performance vehicles such as sport vehicle and racing vehicle. Why is that so? This is to avoid premature ignition of oil inside the engine because of auto ignition, which happens before the spark plug ignite the fuel. This phenomenon is known as knocking.

Knocking is not wanted because it reduces the performance of vehicle.

The right usage of octane number based on design and adjustment of engine will maximize the performance and effectiveness of the vehicle. Modern vehicles are equipped with knock sensor which enables it to adjust its combustion timing automatically according to the oil octane number to avoid knocking or premature ignition of oil.

Not all vehicles require high octane number petrol. You can check your vehicle fuel requirement inside the guide book of your vehicle or you can simply check the minimum Octane Rating at the back of the fuel lid cover of your vehicle. Most cars can still use RON92.Higher RON number does not means that it is more powerful. It means that it is harder to ignite. It is also cost you more.